
My teacher says that I am prone to run-ons when I talk, but I do not agree with her because I think that she is wrong, and anyway I do not know exactly what the word "prone" means, but I will look it up sometime because I like to learn new things, but even so I do not run on because I know when to stop just like the time that I was at the movies with my best friend Rob, and I said, "This is a great movie don't you think?", and he said, "Quiet", and then I said, "Do you know that I have seen this movie twice?", and then he said, "Don't ruin the movie", and I said, "What do you mean?", and he said "Do not spoil the ending", and I said, "Well I agree because it really is a shocker and you would never ever know that in the end it turns out that the good guy is the bad guy also, and he said "You've ruined the movie now", and then he stormed right out, and then I didn't say I thing 'cause I know when to shut my mouth although my teacher says that I am rude and that I interrupt, but it is not true, and besides I really thought that she was done, and in answer to her question, yes I had to tell her right then because if I did not how would she know that I lost my pen or that my pencil broke and so I had nothing to write with, so you see it was an emergency and the class did have to know, but my teacher still insists that I do not stay on the subject and that I go on way too long and that sometimes I drift a bit, and did I tell you that when I was fishing once I caught a stick and it was all covered in algae and was gross and really icky and that my Uncle Bob can put his whole fist in his mouth and so I tried it once myself, but I could not get my fist back out, but of course I mean from my mouth and not his mouth and that's true because to stick my fist in someone else's mouth would not be cool, but when I told this story to my teacher, she was not impressed, and she just looked at me funny and she said, "Steve take a breath" which is odd because it's obvious I breathe like everyone, and I take breaths all the time and ...ahhh ....there that was one, but wouldn't it be cool if I really didn't have to breathe and I could live in outer space or at the bottom of the sea which reminds me that my teacher says I tend to talk in circles which has got to be the craziest thing that I've ever heard because talking in circles is something I never do, and I would not know how to do that even if I wanted to, but my teacher says that I am prone to run-ons when I talk, but I do not agree with her because I think that she is wrong, and anyway I do not know exactly what the word "prone" means, but I will look it up sometime because I like to learn new things...

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